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  • Shri Narendra Modi

    Shri Narendra Modi

    Hon’ble Prime Minister,

  • Yogi Adityanath

    Yogi Adityanath

    Hon'ble Chief Minister,
    Uttar Pradesh

  • Shri Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi

    Shri Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi

    Hon’ble Cabinet Minister
    Industrial Development
    Department, Uttar Pradesh

  • Shri Jaswant Singh Saini

    Shri Jaswant Singh Saini

    Hon'ble Minister of State
    Industrial Development
    Department, Uttar Pradesh

  • Shri Manoj Kumar Singh

    Shri Manoj Kumar Singh

    Chief Secretary
    IIDC & CEO/Chairman UPEIDA, Uttar Pradesh

  • Shri Srihari Pratap Shahi

    Shri Srihari Pratap Shahi

    Additional Chief Executive Officer, UPEIDA


  • Uttar Pradesh is the fourth largest state in India and the third largest economy within the country.
  • With a population of more than 200 million, UP has the highest number of available labour force and is one of the top five manufacturing states in India.
  • The state also ranks first in terms of number of MSMEs in the country and ranks 2nd in EODB.
  • Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor (UP DIC)
    is an aspirational project that intends to reduce
    foreign dependency of Indian Aerospace
    & Defence Sector
Latest Update
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Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor


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