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Image of Lokarpan of Purvanchal Expressway Film

Lokarpan of Purvanchal Expressway Film


Drone Coverage Of Purvanchal Expressway at Package 2, District - Barabanki & Amethi

Image of Purvanchal Film

PurvanchalExpressway​ construction work is in full swing. Expressway construction work more than 74% physical work is completed.

Image of Lucknow-Agra expressway

Lucknow-Agra expressway, one of the best constructional efforts made by UPIEDA. This expressway has all necessary amenities. Lighting arrangement and beautification can be seen on entire expressway with a unique uniformity. On each step, you will be amazed by the technical perfection of UPIEDA. In the median, the greenery and refreshment will make your journey very comfortable.

Image of Upeida all project

Under the esteem leadership of Hon’ble P.M. Shri Narendra Modi Ji and Hon’ble Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath Ji, UPIEDA is constructing faster expressways having all necessary amenities with the help of latest technologies in entire Uttar Pradesh. These expressways will become mile stone, not only for transportation, but in multi directional development of the state.

Image of Purvanchal Expressway

Purvanchal Expressway, the ambitious project initiated by Hon’ble P.M. Shri Narendra Modi Ji and shouldered by Hon’ble C.M. Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath Ji to link up eastern portion of Uttar Pradesh with the state capital and national capital, is included under Top 10 coming up under construction expressways.

